About Me

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My name is bibi im puerto rican and arabic...i am really a great person...once you get to know me, come and get to know me i'm awesome! i am also a random girl. i like different kinds of stuff, im really into japanese/korean culture, i love learning new things, you can call me crazy but you know you just love me!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Soul searching !!

I keep a collection of interesting and inspirational photos and graphic elements on my computer just incase I need a pick me upper or a new idea, thought, or inspiration. This is one that I came across and very much agree with. When searching for who you are, it's ok to be broken, it's ok to mess up, fall down, feel like a failure, because after all that-let it be with work, school, or people-you will find yourself better and stronger. Being broken, failing, and feeling are all apart of figuring out yourself and hopefully the next time, you do it better.
Just a simple post that will maybe, hopefully, pick your (my) day up a bit.


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