About Me

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My name is bibi im puerto rican and arabic...i am really a great person...once you get to know me, come and get to know me i'm awesome! i am also a random girl. i like different kinds of stuff, im really into japanese/korean culture, i love learning new things, you can call me crazy but you know you just love me!
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Monday, January 31, 2011

Car on fire !!!

What a morning to wake up at 8:45am with a neighbor screaming out that her car is on fire!!! then i call 911 and it turns out that not so much that that car was on fire it was the garbage behind her car which some how got under her car and started a fire.... ugh man what morning her are some pictures from my phone they came out really bad but oh well!!!
Click the picture!!

p.s. i added a litte something..lolz


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