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My name is bibi im puerto rican and arabic...i am really a great person...once you get to know me, come and get to know me i'm awesome! i am also a random girl. i like different kinds of stuff, im really into japanese/korean culture, i love learning new things, you can call me crazy but you know you just love me!
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Warrior's Heart (Movies)

In shock and denial over his Marine father's death in battle, star Lacrosse player Conor Sullivan, always a maverick and a hothead, starts acting out in self-destructive ways that have his mom, Claire, at her wit's end. But arduous training in a wilderness Lacrosse camp under the tutelage of his dad's old combat buddy, Sgt. Major Duke Wayne, opens Conor's eyes to the true meaning of maturity, sportsmanship and manhood...


Kellan Lutz's ab-tastic body is about the only thing shown to its best advantage in "A Warrior's Heart," a ho-hum drama whose many moving parts feel decidedly recycled.
Lutz plays Conor Sullivan, a cocky, inexplicably hotheaded California high school lacrosse star, who must move east when his career-soldier father again uproots the family. But Conor's bullish ways on  and off  his tony new school's lacrosse field intensify when his dad's redeployment to Iraq has tragic consequences.
When his father dies while serving in Iraq, Conor comes undone, brawling, alienating his teammates and distressing his mother. Worst of all, Conor is imperiling his burgeoning romance with the coach’s daughter, Brooklyn ,
It falls to Conor’s father’s military buddy Duke Wayne, to intervene. He takes Conor to a kind of Outward Bound wilderness camp, where he reveals the tribal origins of lacrosse and teaches him the Iroquois belief in a creation divinity.

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