About Me

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My name is bibi im puerto rican and arabic...i am really a great person...once you get to know me, come and get to know me i'm awesome! i am also a random girl. i like different kinds of stuff, im really into japanese/korean culture, i love learning new things, you can call me crazy but you know you just love me!
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


*Note: These are my opinions*

1) Be Patient
I've noticed so many people get too anxious. Not everything is going to happen in one day. Remember to take it one day at a time. And don't get too eager.

2) Trust
You can't be with someone who you can't trust (or who can't trust you). Find ways to build trust between the two of you.

3) Don't Expect Him To Do Everything
I've noticed most girls always expect the guys to do everything from initiate conversation to making the first move.

4) Be Honest
If you expect your guy to tell you the truth, it should go both ways. I'm not saying tell him everything, but just don't lie about anything. Think about how you'd feel if you were lied to.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter !!

My Easter Egg nails.  I know a lot of people are doing these right now, but I wanted to do them too just because they’re so cute and appropriate for the time  :-]

Happy Easter weekend everybody!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bright Multi-Leopard Manicure

a new pedicure saturday, a broken toe sunday

you already know how prone i am to foot injuries. it's actually kind of amazing that i've managed to go seven whole months without breaking anything down there.
so i've got another broken toe. i wish i could conjure up some adventurous story about how it happened, but the truth is i stubbed it by slipping on water and my toe hit the tub...i knew it was broken immediately. i didn't scream, i sounded calm despite the sharp pain. i'm soo used to this.
my propensity for broken toes is something people doesn't understand... anyway, i put an ice pack on it for a 15 minutes or so, but it's swelling up and becoming discolored anyway. tomorrow is gonna be a bitch. i'm glad it's flip-flop weather.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lifes Ponders !!

Every moment matters in a life that has been lived. but what if the life hasnt been lived at all?
is a life that has been live as important as a life that has not nor will ever be for a single moment, for that moment would be considered lived, so that life has been lived.even thought most of it has not been. pondering this poem, you have lived, so you have now lived your life.

Timeless !!!

All time that we face down here, whether that time is far or near,
Will just become a period behind, as the future comes to mind,
Here, the present, future and past, are periods that will not last,
As all the time we come to see, are just spans towards Eternity.

Eternity is what we have in view, when time will be eternally new,
When we leave our earthly place, where life
is in time and space,
As we move into Heaven sublime, with no limit on space or time,
When past and future is no more, and present will forever endure.

A time we now can’t comprehend, but, where we’ll forever spend.
Within an endless realm with Christ, as we enter into Eternal Life
And timeless will be that place, which we’ll enter by God’s Grace,
Far away from this earthly sphere, of time and space, down here.

That place, that is prepared for us, was prepared by Christ Jesus,
The world’s only timeless man, the architect of God’s eternal plan,
A scope of which we can’t conceive, even those who truly believe,
And never seen by a mortal’s eye; all God has made for you and I.

So I’ll continue in the present time, on hills and valleys yet to climb,
As I move on to that destination, afforded to me through Salvation,
And at times I will contemplate, life
with no space or time constraint,
Until I’m changed by God’s Grace, to enter Heaven’s timeless space.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Two People In One

Two people in one,
one happy, one sad,
Two sides of me,
one mad and one glad.
There's only one side
I try to let show;
my feelings inside
the others don't know.
I'm two people in one,
as strange as that sounds,
the real me inside
no one has found.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


She’s beauty, style, poise and grace,
At least she appears to be.
But no one knows the girl who hides
Behind the face they see.
There’s so much pain behind the mask
She wears upon her face.

IT has controlled her life
With far too many tears,
Her smile is fake; she’s good at it,
She’s been doing it for years.

The cover is what attracts us,
To the story within the book.
And she’s afraid that without the ruse,
No one would bother to look

Uncommon thoughts !!

So what do you say we fall in love again,
Just like we did when we first met?
I'll hold your hand to the end and back,
And make our love on it this time set.

Things we did to each other,
We both know we regret.
Be able to take things back,
Things that should have never been said.

We both know in our hearts
That we were supposed to last forever.
Now there's nothing left in this world
That could keep us from being together.

You're mine to the end,
As well as I am yours.
A promise never to be broken,
And the rest of this world we both can explore.

New adventures to seek,
Hand in hand.
The one and only thing perfect in this world,
Is being able to say, "Yes, that's my man!"
^ My Man and Me ^ !!!

Words !!!

Ah, inside, inside, inside.
Where inward toward the navel.
Is that accumulate in the stomach feeling.
I have a belly full of emotion.
Trinco tablets for heartburn
to extinguish the fire that consumes me inside,
but not extinguished.
I find it hard not to confuse one thing with another.
It is with effort that I separate what is body and what is not.
But never get to know if it is not.
I think it is.
It's physical, that I feel.
I feel with the body.
Cells and are things scientific.
Are physical pieces of me burn and writhe,
Emotion, sensation, impression.
Things I'm so not quite imagined.
Perhaps when it reaches the brain to swell.
Maybe make dimension to the ideas that spring from my belly.
And the emotions become almost a symmetric quality, geometric, quantifiable.
Today I feel the excitement in my stomach is that the equivalent of LOve ???