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My name is bibi im puerto rican and arabic...i am really a great person...once you get to know me, come and get to know me i'm awesome! i am also a random girl. i like different kinds of stuff, im really into japanese/korean culture, i love learning new things, you can call me crazy but you know you just love me!
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Thanks For My Child !!

My Daughter, My Pride & Joy. You were brought in this world for a very special reason. The reason no one will ever understand. When you came into this world,you made my life so much better. Because you were sent from a very special man. I thank God each and everyday. For sending you here safe and not harmed. Because I would have been lost. If it wasn't for you, my beautiful daughter, my special charm. I hold you in my arms everyday, just thanking you for being here. You helped me straighten up my actl. And also helped me realize God will always be there. So thank you, my beautiful baby girl. Thank you oh so much for being in my world.

This Song is for my daughter !!

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